Flashcards based on "Random idiom flashcards set to learn" set

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hit the nail on the head

Categories: relationship verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
1 of 10
[hit the nail on the head]  {v. phr.}
To get something exactly right; speak or act in the most fitting or effective way.
The mayor's talk on race relations hit the nail on the head.
Categories: relationship verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
2 of 10

jack up

Categories: informal verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
2 of 10
[jack up]  {v.}
1. To lift with a jack.
The man jacked up his car to fit a flat tire.
2.  {informal}
To make (a price) higher; raise.
Just before Christmas, some stores jack up their prices.
Categories: informal verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
3 of 10

day in court

Categories: noun
A Dictionary of American Idioms
3 of 10
[day in court]  {n. phr.}
A chance to be heard; an impartial hearing; a chance to explain what one has done.
The letters from the faculty members to the dean gave Professor Smith his day in court.
Categories: noun
A Dictionary of American Idioms
4 of 10

by far

Categories: adverb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
4 of 10
[by far]  {adv. phr.}
By a large difference; much.
His work was better by far than that of any other printer in the city.
The old road is prettier, but it is by far the longer way.
Compare: [FAR AND AWAY].
Categories: adverb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
5 of 10

give the show away

Categories: verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
5 of 10
[give the show away]  {v. phr.}
To reveal a plan or information that is supposed to be secret.
You have read further in the book than I have, but please don't tell me where the treasure was buried; otherwise you'd be giving the show away.
Categories: verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
6 of 10

have a go at

Categories: informal verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
6 of 10
[have a go at]  {v. phr.},  {informal}
To try, especially after others have tried.
Bob asked Dick to let him have a go at shooting at the target with Dick's rifle.
She had a go at archery, but did not do very well.
Categories: informal verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
7 of 10

rev up

Categories: informal slang verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
7 of 10
[rev up]  {v. phr.},  {informal},  {slang}
1. To press down sharply several times on the accelerator of an idling car in order to get maximum acceleration.
The race driver revved up his car by pumping his accelerator.
2. To get oneself ready in order to accomplish a demanding or difficult task.
The boys were getting all revved up for the football game.
Categories: informal slang verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
8 of 10

up for grabs

Categories: adjective informal
A Dictionary of American Idioms
8 of 10
[up for grabs]  {adj. phr.},  {informal}
Available for anyone to try to get; ready to be competed for; there for the taking.
When the captain of the football team moved out of town, his place was up for grabs.
Categories: adjective informal
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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Categories: adjective crazy informal
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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[crazy] or [mad] or [nuts about]  {adj. phr.},  {informal}
Excessively fond of; infatuated with.
Jack is totally nuts about Liz, but she is not too crazy about him.
Categories: adjective crazy informal
A Dictionary of American Idioms
10 of 10

tee off

Categories: slang time verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
10 of 10
[tee off]  {v.}
1. To hit the golf ball from a small wooden peg or tee to begin play for each hole.
We got to the golf course just in time to see the champion tee off.
2.  {slang}
To hit a ball, especially a baseball very hard or far.
He teed off on the first pitch.
3.  {slang}
To attack vigorously.
The governor teed off on his opponent's speech.
4.  {slang}
To make (someone) angry or disgusted.
It teed me off when Billy stole my candy.
Joe was teed off because he had to wait so long.
Categories: slang time verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms