Flashcards based on "Random idiom flashcards set to learn" set
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[take off] {v. phr.}
1a. To leave fast; depart suddenly; run away.
The dog took off after a rabbit.
Compare: [LIGHT OUT].
1b. {informal}
To go away; leave.
The six boys got into the car and took off for the drug store.
2. To leave on a flight, begin going up.
A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up or down.
3. {informal}
To imitate amusingly; copy another person's habitual actions or speech.
He made a career of taking off famous people for nightclub audiences.
At the party, Charlie took off the principal and some of the teachers.
4. To take (time) to be absent from work.
When his wife was sick he took off from work.
Bill was tired out so he took the day off.
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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[grab bag] {n.}
1. A bag from which surprise packages are chosen; a bag in which there are many unknown things.
The woman paid a quarter for a chance at the grab bag.
The children brought packages to be sold from the grab bag at the school carnival.
2. A group of many different things from which to choose; a variety.
The TV program was a grab bag for young and old alike.
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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[grab off] {v.}, {informal}
To take quickly; take or grab before anybody else can; choose for yourself.
The people who got to the show first grabbed off the best seats.
The women hurried to the store to grab off the things on sale.
The prettiest girls at the dance were grabbed off for partners first.
Compare: [SNAP UP].
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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[grace period] or [period of grace] {n.}
The time or extra time allowed in which to do something.
Most insurance companies have a grace period of one month for payments.
The teacher gave the class a week's period of grace to finish workbooks.
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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[king's ransom] {n. phr.}
1. An excessively large sum of money extorted by kidnappers to let someone go free.
The Smith family had to pay a kings ransom for the freedom of their seven-year-old son, Tommy.
2. An exorbitant fee one is forced to pay.
The realtors exacted a king's ransom for that choice lot on the comer.
A Dictionary of American Idioms