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4 of 10
[take a punch at] or [take a poke at] or [take a sock at] {v. phr.}
To try to hit (someone) with the fist; swing or strike at; attack with the fists.
Bob was very angry and suddenly he took a punch at Fred.
Johnny knocked my hat off, so I took a poke at him.
I felt like taking a sock at Joe, but I kept my temper.
Categories: verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
5 of 10
[punch-drunk] {adj.}
1. Dazed or become dulled in the mind from being hit in the head.
He was a punch-drunk boxer who made his living shining shoes.
2. In a foggy state of mind; groggy.
Mary was so thrilled at winning the contest she acted punch-drunk.
Mark was punch-drunk for a few minutes after he fell off his bicycle.
Categories: adjective
A Dictionary of American Idioms
6 of 10
[beat to the punch] or [beat to the draw] {v. phr.}, {slang}
To do something before another person has a chance to do it.
John was going to apply for the job, but Ted beat him to the draw.
Lois bought the dress before Mary could beat her to the punch.
A Dictionary of American Idioms
7 of 10
[hear the beat] or [see the beat] {v. phr.}, {dialect}
To hear of or to see someone or something better or surpassing. — Usually used in negative or interrogative sentences and often followed by "of".
I never heard the beat! John swam all the way across the river. Did you ever hear the beat of it?
The juggler spun a table around on the tip of his finger. I never saw the beat of that.
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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[heart skip a beat] or [heart miss a beat]
1. The heart leaves out or seems to leave out a beat; the heart beats hard or leaps from excitement or strong feeling. — Often considered trite.
When Paul saw the bear standing in front of him, his heart skipped a beat.
2. To be startled or excited from surprise, joy, or fright.
When Linda was told that she had won, her heart missed a beat.
Categories: feelings
A Dictionary of American Idioms
10 of 10
[heart in one's mouth] or [heart in one's boots]
A feeling of great fear or nervousness. — Often considered trite.
Charles got up to make his first speech with his heart in his mouth.
My heart was in my mouth as I went into the haunted house.
When the bear came out of the woods towards us, our hearts were in our mouths.
Categories: feelings
A Dictionary of American Idioms