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1. Not where people usually go; difficult to reach.
- Often used with hyphens before a noun.
2. Not what is usual or proper; strange.
Compare: [OUT OF PLACE].
3. or [out of one's way]
Not able to stop or bother you.
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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. out of the way
[out of the way] {adv. phr.}
1. Not where people usually go; difficult to reach.
When little Tommy comes to visit her, Aunt Sally puts her lamps and vases out of the way.
- Often used with hyphens before a noun.
Gold was found in an out-of-the-way village in the mountains, and soon a good road and airfield were built.
Jack and Fred found an old gun in an out-of-the-way corner of the empty house.
2. Not what is usual or proper; strange.
To leave before the guest of honor would be out of the way.
I'm sorry if I said something out of the way.
The night watchman looked around the building, but he saw nothing out of the way.
Compare: [OUT OF PLACE].
3. or [out of one's way]
Not able to stop or bother you.
Tommy wished the visitors were out of the way so that he could have the candy for himself.
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Not writing or talking with each other; not getting news anymore.
Contrast: [IN TOUCH].
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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. out of touch
[out of touch] {adj. phr.}
Not writing or talking with each other; not getting news anymore.
Fred had got out of touch with people in his hometown.
On his island Robinson Crusoe was out of touch with world news.
Contrast: [IN TOUCH].
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Unconscious; in a faint.
Syn.: [OUT LIKE A LIGHT] (2). Compare: [PASS OUT].
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. out cold
[out cold] {adv.} or {adj.}, {informal}
Unconscious; in a faint.
The ball hit Dick in the head and knocked him out cold for ten minutes.
They tried to lift Mary when she fell down, but she was out cold.
Syn.: [OUT LIKE A LIGHT] (2). Compare: [PASS OUT].
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Alone; not included.
Compare: [HIGH AND DRY].
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. out in the cold
[out in the cold] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Alone; not included.
All the other children were chosen for parts in the play, but Johnny was left out in the cold.
Everybody made plans for Christmas Day and Mary found herself out in the cold.
Compare: [HIGH AND DRY].
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The special ways of going somewhere or doing something; the different parts.
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. ins and outs
[ins and outs] {n. phr.}
The special ways of going somewhere or doing something; the different parts.
The janitor knows all the ins and outs of the big school building.
Jerry's father is a good life insurance salesman; he knows all the ins and outs of the business.
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In the same trouble; in the same fix; in the same bad situation.
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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. in the same boat
[in the same boat] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}
In the same trouble; in the same fix; in the same bad situation.
When the town's one factory closed and hundreds of people lost their jobs, all the storekeepers were in the same boat.
Dick was disappointed when Fern refused to marry him, but he knew others were in the same boat.
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To think about seriously; think about with the idea of really doing; consider seriously. — Usually used with a negative.
Categories: verb
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1. To aim at; sight (with a gun).
2. To take (something) as an aim or goal.
3. To use as a target of attack; criticize.
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. draw a bead on
[draw a bead on] {v. phr.} {informal}
1. To aim at; sight (with a gun).
The deer bounded into the forest before the hunters could draw a bead on them.
John drew a bead on the elk, but didn't have the heart to pull the trigger.
2. To take (something) as an aim or goal.
"I'm drawing a bead on the Literary Society president's office," said Tom.
3. To use as a target of attack; criticize.
Whenever a politician makes a mistake, his opponents are ready to draw a bead on him.
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A very quick and understanding mind, which is quick to catch an idea.
Categories: noun
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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. mind like a steel trap
[mind like a steel trap] {n. phr.}
A very quick and understanding mind, which is quick to catch an idea.
Henry is not fond of sports, but he has a mind like a steel trap.
A successful lawyer must have a mind like a steel trap.
Categories: noun
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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1. To lower the price.
2. To give a poor grade to a student.
3. To make a written note of something.
Categories: verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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. mark down
[mark down] {v. phr.}
1. To lower the price.
The department store marked down their prices on women's sandals.
2. To give a poor grade to a student.
Peter was marked down for his numerous spelling errors.
3. To make a written note of something.
Here is my phone number; mark it down.
Categories: verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms