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chisel or muscle in on {v. phr.}
To illegitimately and forcefully intrude into someone's traditional sales or professional arena of operation.
Tim has a good sales territory, but he is always afraid that someone might chisel in on it.
Las Vegas casino owners are concerned that the Mafia might muscle in on their territory.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
sales talk
sales talk {n.}
A speech made to point out all the good reasons why the sale would help someone who might buy the product.
Mrs. Goldsmith gave the man a good sales talk about the new house.
The coach gave a sales talk on exercise in the school assembly.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
pep talk
pep talk {n.}, {informal}
A speech that makes people feel good so they will try harder and not give up.
The football coach gave the team a pep talk.
Mary was worried about her exams, but felt better after the teacher's pep talk.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
talk up
talk up {v.}
1. To speak in favor or support of.
Let's talk up the game and get a big crowd.
2. To speak plainly or clearly.
The teacher asked the student to talk up.
3. {informal}
To say what you want or think; say what someone may not like.
Talk up if you want more pie.
George isn't afraid to talk up when he disagrees with the teacher.
Compare: SPEAK OUT.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
gut talk
gut talk {n. phr.}
Sincere, honest talk.
We admire people who speak gut talk and tell exactly what they think and feet.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
double-talk {n.}
1. Something said that is worded, either on purpose or by accident, so that it may be understood in two or more different ways.
The politician avoided the question with double-talk.
2. Something said that does not make sense; mixed up talk or writing; nonsense.
The man's explanation of the new tax bill was just a lot of double-talk.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
do a double take
do a double take {v. phr.}, {informal}
To look again in surprise; suddenly understand what is seen or said.
John did a double take when he saw Bill in girls' clothes.
When Evvie said she was quitting school, I did a double take.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
double duty
double duty {n.}
Two uses or jobs; two purposes or duties.
Matthew does double duty. He's the janitor in the morning and gardener in the afternoon.
Our new washer does double duty; it washes the clothes and also dries them.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
heavy-duty {adj.}
Made for long or hard use; very strong.
The lumberman used heavy-duty trucks for hauling logs down the mountains.
The workers in the steel mill have heavy-duty gloves for handling hot steel.
Mrs. Carlson bought a heavy-duty cleanser to clean her greasy oven.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
heavy-handed {adj.}
1. Not skillful or graceful; clumsy.
George is heavy-handed and seldom catches the ball.
My sister plays the piano badly; she is too heavy-handed.
Tim told a heavy-handed joke about the principal's baldness that embarrassed everyone.
2. Likely to hit or punish hard; harsh or cruel in making (someone) obey.
Years ago many fathers were heavy-handed bosses in their homes.
Many American colonists believed that the English tax collectors were too heavy-handed.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms