Reading set "Random idiom flashcards set to learn" (Number of items 10)

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under one's thumb

under one's thumb or under the thumb  {adj.} or  {adv. phr.}
Obedient to you; controlled by you; under your power.
The Jones family is under the thumb of the mother.
Jack is a bully. He keeps all the younger children under his thumb.
The mayor is so popular that he has the whole town under his thumb.
Categories:adjective adverb

under one's wing

under one's wing  {adv. phr.}
Under the care or protection of.
Helen took the new puppy under her wing.
The boys stopped teasing the new student when Bill took him under his wing.
Compare: IN TOW.

under one's heel

under one's heel  {adv. phr.}
In one's power or control.
If one marriage partner always wants to keep the other person under his or her heel, it is not a happy or democratic arrangement and may lead to a divorce.

save face

save face  {v. phr.}
To save your good reputation, popularity, or dignity when something has happened or may happen to hurt you; hide something that may cause you shame.
The policeman was caught accepting a bribe; he tried to save face by claiming it was money owed to him.
Bill would not play in the game because he knew he could not do well and he wanted to save face.
The colonel who lost the battle saved face by showing his orders from the general.
Contrast: LOSE FACE.
- face-saver  {n.}
The shop teacher's note was a face-saver when another teacher thought John and Bill were playing hookey in town.
- face-saving  {adj.}
The note was a face-saving idea.
- face-saving  {n.}
Face-saving is not helped by too many invented excuses.

scout around

scout around  {v. phr.}
To search for; look around.
When we first came to town, we had to scout around for a suitable apartment.

after a while

after a while  {informal} or in a while  {adv. phr.}
Later, at some time in the future; after a time that is not short and not long.
"Dad, will you help me make this model plane?" "After a while, Jimmy, when I finish reading the newspaper."
The boys gathered some wood, and in a while, a hot fire was burning.
Syn.: BY AND BY. Contrast: RIGHT AWAY.
Categories:adverb informal time

after all

after all  {adv. phr.}
1. As a change in plans; anyway. — Used with emphasis on "after".
Bob thought he couldn't go to the party because he had too much homework, but he went after all.
2. For a good reason that you should remember. — Used with emphasis on "all".
Why shouldn't Betsy eat the cake? After all, she baked it.
Categories:adverb emphasis

alive and kicking

alive and kicking  {adj. phr.}
Very active; vigorous; full of energy.
Grandpa was taken to the hospital with pneumonia, but he was discharged yesterday and is alive and kicking.

all over but the shouting

all over but the shouting  {adj. phr.}  {informal}
Finally decided or won; brought to an end; not able to be changed.
After Bill's touchdown, the game was all over but the shouting.
John and Tom both tried to win Jane, but after John's promotion it was all over but the shouting.
Categories:adjective informal

all right for you

all right for you  {interj.}
I'm finished with you! That ends it between you and me! — Used by children.
All right for you! I'm not playing with you any more!