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get across
get across {v.}
1. To explain clearly, make (something) clear; to make clear the meaning of.
Mr. Brown is a good coach because he can get across the plays.
2. To become clear.
The teacher tried to explain the problem, but the explanation did not get across to the class.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
get down to business
get down to business or work {v. phr.}
To start being serious; begin to face a problem to be solved, or a task to be accomplished.
Gentlemen, I'm afraid the party is over and we must get down to business.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
backseat driver
backseat driver {n.}, {informal}
A bossy person in a car who always tells the driver what to do.
The man who drove the car became angry with the back seat driver.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
bandy about
bandy about {v. phr.}
To spread rumors or whisper secrets.
The news of Jim and Mary's divorce was bandied about until everyone at the office had heard it.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
eat like a bird
eat like a bird {v. phr.}
To eat very little; have little appetite.
Mrs. Benson is on a diet and she eats like a bird.
Alice's mother is worried about her; she eats like a bird and is very thin.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
eat one out of house and home
eat one out of house and home {v. phr.}
1. To eat so much as to cause economic hardship.
Our teenaged sons are so hungry all the time that they may soon eat us out of house and home.
2. To overstay one's welcome.
We love Bob and Jane very much, but after two weeks we started to feel that they were eating us out of house and home.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
every now and then
At fairly regular intervals; fairly often; repeatedly.
John comes to visit me every now and then.
It was hot work, but every so often Susan would bring us something cold to drink.
Compare: NOW AND THEN.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
full of oneself
full of oneself {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Interested only in yourself.
Joe would be a nice boy if he would stop being so full of himself.
Compare: BIG HEAD.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
from scratch
from scratch {adv. phr.}, {informal}
With no help from anything done before; from the beginning; from nothing.
Dick built a radio from scratch.
In sewing class, Mary already knew how to sew a little, but Jane had to start from scratch.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
from the ground up
from the ground up {adv. phr.}
From the beginning; entirely; completely.
After the fire they had to rebuild their cabin from the ground up.
Sam knows about baseball from the ground up.
The new cars have been changed from the ground up.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms