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eat humble pie
eat humble pie {v. phr.}
To be humbled; to accept insult or shame; admit your error and apologize.
Tow told a lie about George, and when he was found out, he had to eat humble pie.
In some old stories a boy with a stepfather has to eat humble pie.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
verbal diarrhea
verbal diarrhea {n. phr.}
The inability to keep silent; over-talkativeness.
Archibald is a nice guy but he's got verbal diarrhea and he can't shut up for a single minute.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
jump on the bandwagon
jump on the bandwagon or get on the bandwagon {v. phr.}, {informal}
To join a popular cause or movement.
At the last possible moment, the senator jumped on the winning candidate's bandwagon.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
make headway
make headway {v. phr.}
To move forward; make progress.
The university is making headway with its campus reorganization project.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
make it hot
make it hot {v. phr.}, {informal}
To bring punishment; cause trouble.
Dick threatened to make it hot for anyone who tied knots in his pajama legs again.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
man of parts
man of parts {n. phr.}, {literary}
A man who has several different skills, talents, or qualities.
The pianist is a man of parts. He wrote the piece he played, and he also plays the organ and paints well.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
refine on
refine on or refine upon {v.}
1. To make better; improve.
Mary was asked to refine on her first outline to make it clearer and more exact.
2. To be better than; surpass.
Modern medical techniques refine on those of the past.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
regain one's feet
regain one's feet {v. phr.}
To get back up again after falling down.
Tom fell while he skied down the hill but he regained his feet quickly.
Compare: TO ONE'S FEET.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
rid of
Free of; away from; without the care or trouble.
The puppy is finally rid of worms.
If I could be rid of the children for the day, I would go.
I wish you'd get rid of that cat!
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
take a turn for the better
take a turn for the better {v. phr.}
To start improving; start to get better.
Aunt Hermione was very ill for a long time, but last week she suddenly took a turn for the better.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms