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back number
back number {n.}
Something out of fashion, or out of date.
Among today's young people a waltz like "The Blue Danube" is a hack number.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
back of
back of or in back of {prep.}
1. In or at the rear of; to the back of; behind.
The garage is hack of the house.
Our car was in hack of theirs at the traffic light.
2. {informal}
Being a cause or reason for; causing.
Hard work was back of his success.
The principal tried to find out what was back of the trouble on the bus.
3. {informal}
In support or encouragement of; helping, clones will be elected because many powerful men are back of him.
Get in back of your team by cheering them at the game.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
back talk
back talk {n.}
A sassy, impudent reply.
Such back talk will get you nowhere, young man!
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
back the wrong horse
back the wrong horse {v. phr.}
To support a loser.
In voting for George Bush, voters in 1992 were backing the wrong horse.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
dash off
dash off {v.}
To make, do, or finish quickly; especially, to draw, paint, or write hurriedly.
Ann took out her drawing pad and pencil and dashed off a sketch of the Indians.
John can dash off several letters while Mary writes only one.
Charles had forgotten to write his English report and dashed it off just before class.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
dawn on
dawn on {v.}
To become clear to.
It dawned on Fred that he would fail the course if he did not study harder.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
day and night
day and night or night and day {adv.}
1. For days without stopping; continually.
Some filling stations on great highways are open day and night 365 days a year.
The three men took turns driving the truck, and they drove night and day for three days.
2. Every day and every evening.
The girl knitted day and night to finish the sweater before her mother's birthday.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
fade back
fade back {v.}
To back away from the line before passing in football.
The quarterback is fading back to pass.
Compare: DROP BACK.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
fair and square
fair and square {adv. phr.}, {informal}
Without cheating; honestly.
He won the game fair and square.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
fair-haired boy
fair-haired boy {n.}, {informal}
A person that gets special favors; favorite; pet.
If he wins the election by a large majority, he will become his party's fair-haired boy.
The local boy playing first base could do no wrong; he was the fair-haired boy of the fans.
Charles was a good student and behaved very well; he became the teacher's fair-haired boy.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms