Reading set "Random idiom flashcards set to learn" (Number of items 10)

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dare say

dare say  {v. phr.}
To think probable; suppose; believe. — Used in first person.
Mary is unhappy now but I dare say she will be laughing about this tomorrow.
There is no more ice cream on the table, but I dare say we can find some in the kitchen.

dark of the moon

illustration for section: dark of the moon
dark of the moon  {n. phr.},  {literary}
A time when the moon is not shining or cannot be seen.
It was the dark of the moon when the scouts reached camp and they had to use flashlights to find their tents.
Categories:literary noun time

dash light

dash light  {n.}
A light on the front inside of a car or vehicle.
Henry stopped the car and turned on the dash lights to read the road map.

ever so much

ever so much  {adv.}
Very much; truly.
I am ever so much in your debt for your kind assistance when I needed it most.

enjoy oneself

enjoy oneself  {v. phr.}
To have a good time; be happy; feel pleasure.
Mary enjoyed herself at the party.
"Enjoy yourselves, children," Mother urged the guests at our party.
Categories:pleasure time verb

grow up

grow up  {v.}
1. To increase in size or height; become taller or older; reach full height.
Johnny is growing up; his shoes are too small for him.
I grew up on a farm.
The city has grown up since I was young.
2. To become adult in mind or judgment; become old enough to think or decide in important matters.
Tom wants to he a coach when he grows up.
Grow up, you're not a baby any more!

grin and bear it

grin and bear it  {v. phr.},  {informal}
To be as cheerful as possible in pain or trouble; do something without complaining.
The doctor told Mrs. Howard that she had to stop eating sweets if she wanted to lose weight, and she tried to grin and bear it.
If you must have a tooth drilled, all you can do is grin and bear it.
Categories:informal verb

know if one is coming or going

To feel able to think clearly; know what to do. — Usually used in the negative or with limiters.
On Monday, the car broke down; on Tuesday, Mother broke her arm; on Wednesday, the children all became ill with the mumps; by Thursday, poor Father didn't know if he was coming or going.
My cousin is so much in love that she scarcely knows whether she's coming or going.
Compare: IN A FOG.
Categories:love verb

know one is alive

know one is alive  {v. phr.}
Not to notice a person. — Used with negative or limiting words and in questions.
She was a good-looking girl but she didn't know I was alive.
Compare: GIVE A HANG.

know one's own mind

know one's own mind  {v. phr.}
To not hesitate or vacillate; be definite in one's ideas or plans.
It is impossible to do business with Fred, because he doesn't know his own mind.