Reading set "Random idiom flashcards set to learn" (Number of items 10)

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slip of the tongue

The mistake of saying something you had not wanted or planned to say; an error of speech.
No one would have known our plans if Kay hadn't made a slip of the tongue.
She didn't mean to tell our secret; it was a slip of the lip.
Categories:noun tongue

carry on

carry on  {v.}
1. To work at; be busy with; manage.
Bill and his father carried on a hardware business.
Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith carried on a long correspondence with each other.
2. To keep doing as before; continue.
After his father died, Bill carried on with the business.
The colonel told the soldiers to carry on while he was gone.
Though tired and hungry, the Scouts carried on until they reached camp.
Compare: BEAR UP (2), GO ON.
3a.  {informal}
To behave in a noisy, foolish, and troublesome manner.
The boys carried on in the swimming pool until the lifeguard ordered them out.
3b.  {informal}
To make too great a show of feeling, such as anger, grief, and pain.
John carried on for ten minutes after he hit his thumb with the hammer.
Compare: TAKE ON (4).
4.  {informal}
To act in an immoral or scandalous way; act disgracefully.
The townspeople said that he was carrying on with a neighbor girl.
Categories:business informal verb

carry off

carry off  {v.}
1. To cause death of; kill.
Years ago smallpox carried off hundreds of Indians of the Sioux tribe.
Compare: WIPE OUT.
2. To succeed in winning.
Bob carried off honors in science.
Jim carried off two gold medals in the track meet.
3. To succeed somewhat unexpectedly in.
The spy planned to deceive the enemy soldiers and carried it off very well.
In the class play, Lloyd carried off his part surprisingly well.
Categories:death verb

carry away

carry away  {v.}
To cause very strong feeling; excite or delight to the loss of cool judgment.
The music carried her away.
He let his anger carry him away.
- Often used in the passive,
She was carried away by the man's charm.
He was carried away by the sight of the flag.

carry over

carry over  {v.}
1. To save for another time.
The store had some bathing suits it had carried over from last year.
What you learn in school should carry over into adult life.
2. To transfer (as a figure) from one column, page, or book to another.
When he added up the figures, he carried over the total into the next year's account book.
3. To continue in another place.
The story was carried over to the next page.
Categories:time verb

carry through

1a. To put into action.
Mr. Green was not able to carry through his plans for a hike because he broke his leg.
1b. To do something you have planned; put a plan into action.
Jean makes good plans but she cannot carry through with any of them.
2. To keep (someone) from failing or stopping; bring through; help.
When the tire blew out, the rules Jim had learned in driving class carried him through safely.

carry out

carry out  {v.}
To put into action; follow; execute.
The generals were determined to carry out their plans to defeat the enemy.
John listened carefully and carried out the teacher's instructions.

pack up

pack up  {v. phr.}
To pack one's suitcase for traveling; prepare a package.
Without saying a single word, the unhappy husband packed up and left.

purse strings

Care or control of money.
Dad holds the purse strings in our family.
The treasurer refused to let go of the club's purse strings.

psyched up

psyched up  {adj.},  {informal}
Mentally alert; ready to do something.
The students were all psyched up for their final exams.
Categories:adjective informal