. Shared Collections and Flashcard Quizzes:
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- Random idiom flashcards set to learn field goal
go to bed with the chickens
green thumb
at random
on occasion
That will do!
go to it!
go ahead
ahead of the game - Random idiom flashcards set to learn leave no stone unturned
forgive and forget
life of the party
tear down
let bygones be bygones
hatchet job
lay for
layover - Random idiom flashcards set to learn loaded for bear
dance to another tune
dead as a doornail
dead letter
dead loss
keep under one's hat
keep up appearances
mixed bag
mixed up
blue Monday - Random idiom flashcards set to learn after one's own heart
saw wood
straight face
weigh on
goodness gracious
make a big deal about
fool away
nobodys fool
give in
where the shoe pinches - Random idiom flashcards set to learn put up a (brave or good) front
Jesus boots
keep one's nose to the grindstone
take up
rev up
press the flesh
sucker list
on the safe side
tongue twister