. Shared Collections and Flashcard Quizzes:
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- Random idiom flashcards set to learn hit the nail on the head
jack up
day in court
by far
give the show away
have a go at
rev up
up for grabs
tee off - Random idiom flashcards set to learn up for grabs
of the same mind
jot down
hand it to
fall by the wayside
eke out
call a halt
sandwich board
turn over in one's mind
write home about - Random idiom flashcards set to learn out of the way
out of touch
out cold
out in the cold
ins and outs
in the same boat
dream of
draw a bead on
mind like a steel trap
mark down - Random idiom flashcards set to learn more often than not
monkey business
knotty problem
run that by me again!
run short
run away with
under the weather
up a tree
until all hours
vibrations - Random idiom flashcards set to learn generous to a fault
get a black eye
get a break
get a word in
get after
ham it up
hammer at
hammer out