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whistle-stop {n.}
A small town where the trains only stop on a special signal.
President Truman made excellent use of the whistle-stop during his 1948 campaign for the presidency.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
pick a hole in
pick a hole in or pick holes in {v. phr.}, {informal}
To find a mistake in or things wrong with; criticize; blame.
The witness said he had been walking in the moonlight last Sunday, but the lawyer picked a hole in what he said by proving that there was no moon and that it rained Sunday night.
Mary is always picking holes in what the other girls do.
Compare: FIND FAULT.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
shut out
shut out {v.}
1. To prevent from coming in; block.
During World War II, Malta managed to shut out most of the Italian and German bombers by throwing up an effective anti-aircraft screen.
The boys were annoyed by Tom's telling club secrets and shut him out of their meeting.
2. To prevent (an opposing team) from scoring throughout an entire game.
The Dodgers shut out the Reds, 5—0.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
this and that
this and that also this, that, and the other {n. phr.}
Various things; different things; miscellaneous things.
When the old friends met they would talk about this and that.
The quilt was made of this, that, and the other.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
plow into
plow into {v.}
1. To attack vigorously.
He plowed into his work and finished it in a few hours.
2. To crash into with force.
A truck plowed into my car and smashed the fender.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
in full swing
in full swing {adj. phr.}
Actively going on; in full action.
The Valentine party was in full swing.
All of the children were planting seeds; the gardening project was in full swing.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
hunt and peck
hunt and peck {n. phr.}, {informal}
Picking out typewriter keys by sight, usually with one or two fingers; not memorizing the keys.
Many newspaper reporters do their typing by hunt and peck.
- Often used, with hyphens, as an adjective.
Mr. Barr taught himself to type, and he uses the hunt-and-peck system.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
play politics
play politics {v. phr.}
To make secret agreements for your own gain; handle different groups for your own advantage.
In order to get elected, he had to play politics with both the unions and the bosses.
Mary always gets what she wants by playing office politics.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
fairy godmother
fairy godmother {n.}
1. A fairy believed to help and take care of a baby as it grows up.
2. A person who helps and does much for another.
The rich man played fairy godmother to the boys and had a baseball field made for them.
Jane was a fairy godmother to her poorer friends.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms
prevail upon
prevail upon or prevail on {v.}
To bring to an act or belief; cause a change in; persuade.
He prevailed upon the musician to entertain instead of the absent speaker.
He prevailed upon me to believe in his innocence.
Source: A Dictionary of American Idioms