Idioms beginning with "C"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of C:
[call to mind] {v. phr.}
To remember; cause to remember.
Your story calls to mind a similar event that happened to us a few years back.
[call to order] {v. phr.}
1. To open (a meeting) formally.
The chairman called the committee to order.
The president pounded with his gavel to call the convention to order.
2. To warn not to break the rules of a meeting.
* /The judge called […]
[call up] {v.}
1. To make someone think of; bring to mind; remind.
The picture of the Capitol called up memories of our class trip.
2. To tell to come (as before a court).
The district attorney called up three witnesses.
3. To bring […]
[calling down] also [dressing down] {n. phr.}, {informal}
A scolding; reprimand.
The judge gave the boy a calling down for speeding.
[calm down] {v. phr.}
To become quiet; relax.
"Calm down, Mr. Smith," the doctor said with a reassuring smile. "You are going to live a long time."
[camp follower] {n.}
1. A man or woman who goes with an army, not to fight but to sell something.
Nowadays camp followers are not allowed as they were long ago.
2. A person who goes with a famous or powerful person or group in hope of profit.
* […]