Idioms beginning with "I"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of I:
[in short order] {adv. phr.}
Without delay; quickly.
Johnny got ready in short order after his father said that he could come to the ball game if he was ready in time.
[in short supply] {adj. phr.}
Not enough; in too small a quantity or amount; in less than the amount or number needed.
The cookies are in short supply, so don't eat them all up.
* /We have five people and only four beds, so the beds are in short […]
[in so many words] {adv. phr.}
1. In those exact words.
He hinted that he thought we were foolish but did not say so in so many words.
2. or [in no uncertain terms]
In an outspoken way; plainly; directly.
* /I told him in so many words that he […]
[in spite of] {prep. phr.}
Against the influence or effect of; in opposition to; defying the effect of; despite.
In spite of the bad storm John delivered his papers on time.
In spite of all their differences, Joan and Ann remain friends.
[in step] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}
1. With the left or right foot stepping at the same time as another's or to the beat of music; in matching strides with another person or persons.
* /The long line of soldiers marched all in step: Left, right! Left, […]
[in stitches] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Laughing so hard that the sides ache; in a fit of laughing hard.
The comedian was so funny that he had everyone who was watching him in stitches.
[in stock] {adj. phr.}
Having something ready to sell dr use; in present possession or supply; to be sold.
The store had no more red shoes in stock, so Mary chose brown ones instead.
Compare: [IN STORE], [ON HAND].
Contrast: [OUT OF STOCK].