Idioms beginning with "M"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of M:
[miss by a mile] {v. phr.}, {informal}
1. To shoot at something and be far from hitting it; not hit near.
Jack's first shot missed the target by a mile.
2. To be very wrong; be far from right.
* /Lee tried to guess on the examination, but his […]
[miss is as good as a mile]
It is the same if one fails or misses something by much or by little. — A proverb.
We thought Tom had a home run but the ball went foul by inches. A miss is as good as a mile.
[miss out] {v.}, {informal}
To fail; lose or not take a good chance; miss something good.
Jim's mother told him he missed out on a chance to go fishing with his father because he came home late.
* /You missed out by not coming with us; we had a […]
[miss the boat] also [miss the bus] {v. phr.}, {informal}
To fail through slowness; to put something off until too late; do the wrong thing and lose the chance.
Mr. Brown missed the boat when he decided not to buy the house.
* /In college he […]
[miss the point] {v. phr.}
To be unable to comprehend the essence of what was meant.
The student didn't get a passing grade on the exam because, although he wrote three pages, he actually missed the point.
[missing link] {n.}
1. Something needed to complete a group; a missing part of a chain of things.
A 1936 penny was the missing link in John's collection of pennies.
The detective hunted for the fact that was the missing link in the case.
2. […]
[misty-eyed] or [dewey-eyed] {adj. phr.}
1. Having eyes damp with tears; emotional.
The teacher was misty-eyed when the school gave her a retirement gift.
2. Of the kind who cries easily; sentimental.
The movie appealed to dewey-eyed girls.
[mix up] {v.}
To confuse; make a mistake about.
Jimmy doesn't know colors yet; he mixes up purple with blue.
Even the twins' mother mixes them up.
Compare: [MIXED UP].