Idioms beginning with "P"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of P:
[pour oil on troubled waters] {v. phr.}
To quiet a quarrel; say something to lessen anger and bring peace.
The troops were nearing a bitter quarrel until the leader poured oil on the troubled waters.
[pour out] {v.}
1. To tell everything about; talk all about.
Mary poured out her troubles to her pal.
2. To come out in great quantity; stream out.
The people poured out of the building when they heard the fire alarm.
[powder room] {n.}
The ladies' rest room.
When they got to the restaurant, Mary went to the powder room to wash up.
[power behind the throne] {n. phr.}
The person with the real power backing up the more visible partner (usually said about the wives of public figures).
It is rumored that the First Lady it the power behind the throne in the White House.
[presence of mind] {n. phr.}
Effective and quick decision-making ability in times of crisis.
When Jimmy fell into the river, his father had the presence of mind to dive in after him and save him from drowning.
[press box] {n.}
The place or room high in a sports stadium that is for newspaper men and radio and television announcers.
In baseball the official scorer sits in the press box.
[press conference] {n. phr.}
A meeting with news reporters.
The reporters questioned the president about foreign affairs at the press conference.
The press conference with the senator was broadcast on television.