Idioms beginning with "P"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of P:
[put aside] {v. phr.}
1. To save; put something aside for a special purpose.
Peter puts $100 aside every week.
2. To let go of; put away.
The teacher to the students, "Put your books aside and start writing your tests!"
[put away] {v.}
1. To put in the right place or out of sight.
She put away the towels.
2. To lay aside; stop thinking about.
He put his worries away for the weekend.
3. {informal}
To eat or drink.
* /He put away a big supper and three […]
[put by] {v.}
To save for the future; lay aside.
He had put by a good sum during a working lifetime.
[put down] {v. phr.}
1. To stop by force, crush.
In 24 hours the general had entirely put down the rebellion.
2. To put a stop to; check.
She had patiently put down unkind talk by living a good life.
3. To write a record of; write down.
* […]
[put forth] {v. phr.}
To produce; issue; send out.
In the spring the apple trees put forth beautiful white blossoms.
The chairman of the board put forth an innovative proposal that was circulated by mail.
[put ideas into one's head] {v. phr.}
To persuade someone to do something negative; put one up to something.
Billy would never have poured glue into his father's shoes if the neighbor's son hadn't been putting ideas into his head.
[put in] {v.}
1. To add to what has been said; say (something) in addition to what others say.
While the boys were discussing the car accident, Ben put in that the road was icy.
My father put in a word for me and I got the job.
2. To buy and […]
[put in a word for] {v. phr.}
To speak in favor of someone; recommend someone.
"Don't worry about your job application," Sam said to Tim. "I'll put in a word for you with the selection committee."
[put in an appearance] also [make an appearance] {v. phr.}
To be present, esp. for a short time; visit; appear.
He put in an appearance at work, but he was too ill to stay.
* /The president put in an appearance at several dances the evening after […]
[put in mind of] {v. phr.}, {nonstandard}
To remind of; suggest to; call up the memory of.
She puts me in mind of my sister.
That puts me in mind of a story.