Idioms beginning with "S"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of S:
[so help me] {interj.}, {informal}
I promise; I swear; may I be punished if I lie.
I've told you the truth, so help me.
So help me, there was nothing else I could do.
[so it goes]
Akin to the French "c'est la vie!". This exclamation means "that's life."
Too bad Jim has lost his job but there are lots of people who are better qualified; well, so it goes!
[so long] {interj.}, {informal}
Good-bye. — Used when you are leaving someone or he is leaving you.
So long, I will be back tomorrow.
[so many] (1) {adj.}
1. A limited number of; some
Our school auditorium will hold only so many people.
2. A group of. — Often used for emphasis.
The children were all sitting very quietly in their chairs, like so many dolls.
Compare: [SO […]
[so many] (2) {pron}
A limited number; some.
Many people want to come to the prom; but the gymnasium will hold only so many.
Don't give the boys all the cookies they want; give so many to Tom, so many to Dick, and so many to Bob.
Compare: [SO […]
[so much] (1) {adj.}
1. A limited amount of; some.
Sometimes students wonder if the teacher knows they have only so much time to do their lessons.
If you can't give everyone a full glass of milk, just put so much milk in each glass.
2. […]
[so much] (2) {pron.}
A limited amount; some; a price or amount that is agreed or will be agreed on.
You can do only so much in a day.
Milk costs so much a quart but cream costs so much a pint.
Compare: [SO MANY] (2).
[so much] (3) {adv.}
By that much; by the amount shown; even. — Used with the comparative and usually followed by "the".
I can't go tomorrow. So much the better; we'll go today.
John isn't coming to the picnic. So much the more for us to eat!
[so much as] {adv. phr.}
1. Even. — Usually used in negative sentences and questions.
He didn't so much as thank me for returning his money that I found.
Would you so much as get me a glass of water? No, you wouldn't.
2. See: [AS MUCH AS] (2).