Idioms beginning with "T"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
Contents of T:
[tamper with] {v.}
1. To meddle with (something); handle ignorantly or foolishly.
He tampered with the insides of his watch and ruined it.
2. To secretly get someone to do or say wrong things, especially by giving him money, or by threatening to […]
[tan one's hide] {v. phr.}, {informal}
To give a beating to; spank hard.
Bob's father tanned his hide for staying out too late.
[taper down] {adj. phr.}
To decrease; reduce.
He has tapered down his drinking from three martinis to one beer a day.
[taper off] {v.}
1. To come to an end little by little; become smaller toward the end.
The river tapers off here and becomes a brook.
2. To stop a habit gradually; do something less and less often.
* /Robert gave up smoking all at once instead […]
[tar and feather] {v.}
To pour heated tar on and cover with feathers as a punishment.
In the Old West bad men were sometimes tarred and feathered and driven out of town.