Idioms beginning with "T"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
Contents of T:
[tin ear] {n. phr.}
1. A lack of sensitivity to noise.
The construction noise doesn't bother Fred; he's got a tin ear.
2. A lack of musical ability; state of being tone deaf.
People with a tin ear make poor choir members.
[Tin Pan Alley] {n. phr.}
The pop music industry.
What kind of music will Tin Pan Alley come up with this year?
[tip off] {v.}, {informal}
To tell something not generally known; tell secret facts to; warn.
The class president tipped off the class that it was the superintendent's birthday.
* /The thieves did not rob the bank as planned because someone tipped […]
[tip the scales] {v. phr.}, {informal}
1. To weigh.
Martin tips the scales at 180 pounds.
2. or [tip the balance]
To have important or decisive influence; make a decision go for or against you; decide.
* /John's vote tipped the scales in our […]