Idioms beginning with "W"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of W:
[whoop it up] {v. phr.}, {slang}
1. To make a loud noise; have a noisy celebration; enjoy yourself noisily.
The team whooped it up after winning the game.
2. To praise something enthusiastically; encourage enthusiasm or support. — Often used with […]
[why and wherefore] {n.}
The answer to a question or problem. Usually used in the plural.
Father told him not to always ask the whys and wherefores when he was told to do something.
[wide of the mark] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}
1. Far from the target or the thing aimed at.
James threw a stone at the cat but it went wide of the mark.
2. Far from the truth; incorrect.
* /You were wide of the mark when you said I did it, because […]
[wiener roast] or [hot dog roast] {n.}
A party where frankfurters are cooked and eaten over an outdoor fire.
For his birthday party, John had a wiener roast in his backyard.
Mary's Girl Scout troop had a hot dog roast on their overnight hike.