M British slang starting with M No categories: add yours 12...Entries 1—10 [total 30]; pages: 3 all Contents of M: manky pick [manky] {adj.} dirty, filthy. (Polari). marbles pick [marbles] {n.} Wits. As in, to lose one's marbles. mare pick [mare] {n.} Woman (derogatory). mark pick [mark] {n.} A suitable victim for a con or swindle. matelot pick [matelot] {n.} Sailor (from the French). meat and two veg pick [meat and two veg] {n.} Literally a traditional meal consisting of any meat, potatoes and a second type of vegetable; euphemistically the male external genitalia. Is sometimes also used to mean something unremarkable or ordinary. mental pick [mental] {adj.} Crazy or insane. Mick pick [Mick] {n.} An Irishman (derogatory). miffed pick [miffed] {adj.} Upset or offended. milk run pick [milk run] {n.} A 'safe' mission or patrol. 12...Entries 1—10 [total 30]; pages: 3 all Subscribe to: British SlangSlangEnglish Slang Add my comment