.Internet Slang Acronyms and slang of INET No categories: add yours 123456...Entries 11—20 [total 501]; pages: 51 all Contents of Internet Slang: AFC, AFK pick [AFC, AFK] "away from computer/keyboard" AICMFP pick [AICMFP] "And I claim my five pounds" AIM pick [AIM] "AOL Instant Messenger" Usage: Talk to me on AIM. AIUI pick [AIUI] "As I understand it" AKA pick [AKA] "Also known as", predates the Internet. ANON pick [ANON] "Anonymous" AO pick [AO] Anarchy Online AOHell pick [AOHell] Derogative term for America Online (AOL). ASAP pick [ASAP] "as soon as possible", predates the Internet. ASL pick [ASL] "Age, sex, location"; used to request general information about a fellow user. Also used as an introductory phrase, usually when expecting that information up-front. (Some will consider this request rude) 123456...Entries 11—20 [total 501]; pages: 51 all Subscribe to: Internet SlangSlangEnglish Slang Discuss