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cast off
[cast off] {v.} 1a. or [cast loose] To unfasten; untie; let loose (as a rope holding a boat). * /The captain of the boat  […]
own up
[own up] {v.}, {informal} To take the blame; admit your guilt; confess. * /When Mr. Jones asked who broke the window, Johnny  […]
Phyllis McGinley
(1905-1978) U.S. poet Not reading poetry amounts to a national pastime here.
[Norp] from pr0n. Used to discreetly speak of pornography without alerting the attention of others (less obvious in meaning  […]
at sixes and sevens
[at sixes and sevens] {adj. phr.} Not in order; in confusion; in a mess. * /He apologized because his wife was away and the  […]
roughly speaking
[roughly speaking] {adv. phr.} Approximately; in general terms. * /Roughly speaking, about 250 people attended the annual  […]
George Carlin
(1937-- ) U.S. comedian Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've stayed alive.

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