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come down hard on
[come down hard on] {v.}, {informal} 1. To scold or punish […]

come down with
[come down with] {v.}, {informal} To become sick with; catch. * […]

come full circle
[come full circle] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To become totally opposed […]

come hell or high water
[come hell or high water] {adv. phr.}, {informal} No matter what […]

come in handy
[come in handy] {v. phr.}, {informal} To prove useful. * /Robinson […]

come off
[come off] {v.} 1. To take place; happen. * /The picnic […]

come on
[come on] {v.} 1. To begin; appear. * /Rain came on […]

come round
[come round] or [come around] {v.} 1. To happen or appear […]

come through
[come through] {v.}, {informal} To be equal to a demand; meet […]

come to think of it
[come to think of it] {v. phr.}, {informal} As I think […]