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feel like a million
[feel like a million] or [feel like a million dollars] {v. […]

feel up to something
[feel up to something] {v. phr.}, {informal} To feel adequately knowledgeable, […]

[fifty-fifty] (2) {adj.}, {informal} 1. Divided or shared equally. * /It […]

figure in
[figure in] {v.} 1. {informal} To add to a total; remember […]

fill in
[fill in] {v.} 1. To write words needed in blanks; put […]

fill the bill
[fill the bill] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be just what is […]

filthy lucre
[filthy lucre] {n.}, {informal} Money, especially when thought of as bad […]

finders keepers
[finders keepers] or [finders keepers, losers weepers] {informal} Those who find […]

finger in the pie
[finger in the pie] also [finger in every pie] {n. phr.}, […]

first come, first served
[first come, first served] {truncated sent.}, {informal} If you arrive first, […]