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George Santayana
(1863-1952), Articles and Essays Life is not a spectacle or a feast; it is a predicament.
Idioms to Learn Today
Flashcard learning set.Check yourself now!Try flashcard test by definitions or by descriptions.Set includes the following  […]
make a stab at
[make a stab at] {v. phr.} To try doing something at random without sufficient preparation. * /The singer was not familiar  […]
war baby
[war baby] {n.}, {informal} A person born during a war. * /War babies began to increase college enrollments early in the  […]
attributed to Al Capone
(1899-1947) You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.
Skwerl - How English Sounds to non-English Speakers
A short film in fake English. Made for Kino Sydney #47 by Brian Fairbairn.
for fun
[for fun] {prep. phr.} As amusement, not seriously, as a joke. * /Let's try to play Beethoven's Emperor Concerto together,  […]
shore leave
[shore leave] {n.} Permission given to a man in the Navy to leave his ship and go where he wants for a certain length of time.  […]

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