and then some
[and then some]
And a lot more; and more too.
* /It would cost all the money he had and then some./
* /Talking his way out […]fill in
[fill in] {v.}
1. To write words needed in blanks; put in; fill.
* /You should fill in all the blanks on an application for […]Arjay Miller, Dean of Stanford GSB
Don't do anything you wouldn't be willing to explain on television.Ed Howe
A man is usually bald four or five years before he knows it.bumsucker
[bumsucker] {n.}
a toady, creep or someone acting in an obsequious manner.rob the cradle
[rob the cradle] {v. phr.}, {informal}
To have dates with or marry a person much younger than yourself.
* /When the old […]shake the dust from one's feet
[shake the dust from one's feet] {v. phr.}
To depart or leave with some measure of disgust or displeasure.
* /Jim was so […]This is what has recently happened on
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