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Chinese proverb
Beat your child once a day. If you don't know why, the child does.
to foul one's own nest
[to foul one's own nest] {v. phr.} To compromise unintentionally one's own interests by sharing private information  […]
[slap-head] {n.} {adj.} A bald man.
[Generica] Fast food joints, strip malls, sub-divisions as in "we were so lost in generica that I couldn't remember what city  […]
[GJ] "Good job", often sarcastic
from rags to riches
[from rags to riches] {adv. phr.} Suddenly making a fortune; becoming rich overnight. * /The Smiths went from rags to riches  […]
off the wall
[off the wall] {adj. phr.} Strange; out of the ordinary; stupid. * /He has been making off-the-wall remarks all day;  […]
Derek Bok, president of Harvard University
If you think education is expensive--try ignorance.

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